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Describing People - Part II

Describing people

Remember we learnt how to describe people’s physical appearance last week? We can also describe intangible details that truly make each character unique and realistic.

Non-physical appearance

1. Quirks

If you're looking for a more intimate way to describe someone instead of a random passer-by on the street, go for their little habits and quirks. Does the person have a particular habit that makes them stand out from others? Maybe he bites his nails when he is nervous, and maybe she pinches her earlobe when she feels embarrassed.

2. Voice

Voices are often ignored by students when describing people. This tends to stem from the fact that students tend to focus on physical appearances, and voices seem hard to describe in general. But ask yourself this: does the person have a sepulchral voice? Or is his or her voice high and nasally? Is it pleasant to listen to or grating to the ears? See, even voices can have hundreds of descriptions!

3. Memories

If the person you are describing is someone you have known for a decent amount of time, you have probably built many memories with him or her. Does one of them stand out from the rest and contribute to your impression of the person? Maybe that one time your best friend gave all of his pocket money to the busker on the street reminds you of the fact that he is a kind person.

4. PersonalityIs the person you are describing a pessimist or an optimist? Is he soft-hearted or hard-hearted? If you struggle to elaborate on these traits, think: is there one particular event that has shaped him (or her) into who he is now?

5. Overall The way a person acts and looks can also contribute to the aura they exude. If you are confused about what this means, ask yourself: how does seeing the person make you feel? Are they intimidating for their serious expressions and tall figure? Are they highly forgettable because of their wispy voice and dwarf-like height? While this technically counts as a physical feature as well, it is easier to come up with an overall description for someone you know well than a random passer-by in an incident one day.

Example: Describing a family member

Paragraph by Jane

My grandmother has big blue eyes. She has white hair that is cut to a bob and a pale complexion. She smiles a lot, and she has a willowy and slender build. She tends to dress in comfortable clothes like blouses and long pants. Looking at her makes me feel at ease as she looks relaxed and calm.

While this paragraph describes the grandmother's physical appearance adequately, it is missing out on more intimate details one generally knows about their family member. Check out how the next paragraph improves it by expounding on that.

Paragraph by John

My grandmother has big blue eyes that soften when she sees her friends and relatives (trait). She has salt and pepper hair that is styled in a fashionable bob and a milky complexion thanks to years of skincare products and healthy eating habits (habit). She smiles a lot, based on her strong belief that we should enjoy every moment in life if possible (personality), and has a willowy and slender build after a career as a ballet dancer. She tends to dress in comfortable clothes like blouses and long pants in a myriad of pastel colours. Looking at her makes me feel at ease as her sunny demeanour and patience (personality) exudes a sense of relaxation and calmness (overall). Her voice is soft and pleasant to listen to (voice), and I remember being lulled to sleep to her bedtime stories (memories). When she is worried, she has the memorable habit of tugging incessantly at the sleeve of her shirt (habit).

If you are lost, overwhelmed and confused in the flood of information, a good rule of thumb is to describe the person's looks before going for more specific details. If you are simply describing someone you happen to see on the street, his or her physical traits are good enough. If you are describing a person you know well, however, like a friend or family member, it would be advisable to include more intimate details. Also, if the person you are describing has a particular trait that stands out or differs from the average, dedicate a few lines to that at the end of your description so that it leaves a lasting impression on readers! Yet of course, as mentioned earlier, given the myriad of ways one can describe a person, play around

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