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Bonus Tips for Pro to Describe a Celebratory Occasion

Bonus tips for pro:

5. Other details

If you are the planner of the celebratory occasion, such as your own birthday, you may want to provide some details on the planning process! Where did you get your decorations? Was the whole process tedious or did you enjoy yourself?

Sample Example 2: Birthday celebration

The room was an explosion of ribbons and balloons in a range of pastel hues, thanks to the last minute trip we made to the party store at Waterway Point. A wide balloon arch coloured like a rainbow stood over the entrance, which was currently occupied by throngs of people impatiently waiting to take a photo.

Sweat beaded at my brow as I stood by my parents side. I had spent an entire month planning this birthday party with them and today, the date has (had?) finally dawned. My face flushed in a mixture of nerves and excitement. I had been looking forward to this for ages, after weeks of meticulous planning that ranged from determining the brand of plastic cutlery to use all the way to deciding on the location of the celebration. Yet now that the celebration was starting, I could not help worrying that something would go wrong.

6. Tradition

If the celebratory occasion is something that is close to home, you may want to include some quirky details that are personally exclusive to you. Maybe your family loves to celebrate Chinese New Year by visiting a particular restaurant. Maybe for your best friend’s birthday, the both of you will always find time to visit the ice cream cafe where you first met! These nuances are special to you and will help to distinguish your writing from others.

Example 2: Birthday celebration

Every year on my birthday, my parents would bring me to my favourite western restaurant at the shopping mall near my house. While the location was just a stone’s throw away from my house, going there made me feel special as we only visited it on select occasions. I would order my favourite dish, fish and chips,as well as an ice cream float that my mother would only permit me to drink once in a blue moon. Even though my father had joked about how we could easily recreate the drink at home with a can of coke and some vanilla ice cream, there was something unique about having the entire concoction served in a tall glass with a miniature flag protruding from the top.

After dinner, the waiters and waitresses would dim the lights, and one of them would bring out my birthday cake. Although my mother would ask me if I wanted a different flavour every year, I would always end up choosing the same strawberry shortcake. As I bit into into the layers of fluffy sponge cake and whipped cream excitedly, I would close my eyes in bliss and think, “This is the best birthday celebration I’ve ever had.”

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