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The ONE trait that successful children have

If parents were granted a crystal ball, wouldn't you be curious to find out whether your children will succeed in future? If we can know the key factor that would determine a child's success, we can start nurturing this trait.

So, what is this trait?

Recently, CNA Insider conducted this experiment which analysed the qualities that closely correlate with a child’s future success.

The experiment explores three important factors of success: grit & problem-solving skill, risk aversion and emotional intelligence. This notion is not novel and has been widely discussed. However, today, I would like to share with you the one trait that I think most parents tend to overlook – grit.

GRIT is also identified by Dr. Angela Duckworth in this Ted Talk video. Dr. Duckworth graduated with a bachelor's degree from Harvard College, a master's degree from University of Oxford and later on a Ph.D from the University of Pennsylvania. She is now a distinguished professor in University of Pennsylvania where she studies grit and self-control. Through years of research, she has found that 'grit' is a key determinant in one's success -- all the way into their adulthood.

It is hard to deny that children today are different. They have shorter attention span, are more pampered and would readily give up and pick up anything that is novel. They get what they want effortlessly because as parents, we give in to our children to save ourselves the drama. However, we’re unknowingly breeding generations after generations of children who lack the ability to attain what they want on their own merits; they have lost grit!

But don't get me wrong. I am not suggesting that we should not help our children. What we should do, instead, is to ensure that they have tried multiple times and we are their last resort.

Perhaps, the next time when our child asks for help, we should let them have a shot first.

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